When your client’s application for Social Security Disability has been denied, it can be a very stressful time. If you want to pursue your case after being denied, you will need a Social Security Disability Appeal Brief if you want to move forward. It can be confusing and you may want to consult a summary service in order to write the best brief that you can. There are certain things you need to know about this document and why you need one.

Why you should use a summary service to write your Social Security Disability Appeal Brief:

– It will save you time and energy.

By working with a summary service, you will save time and energy. You are busy and it’s important to work the most efficiently that you can. You will be able to work off a prepared brief instead of needing to go through pages on your own. By using a service, you will also save energy. You can focus on other aspects of the case and devote your attention to the most important things.

– It will save you staff and money.

You will not need additional staff to help you go through information when you use a service. This will actually end up saving you money and allow you to use your resources in the most efficient ways possible.

What you should know about a Social Security Disability Appeal Brief:

– It is structured like a letter and is timing specific.

You need to submit the brief no more than three months after you file the request for review. The structure of the brief is also important. It needs to be structured as a letter and begin with “Dear Appeals Council Member.”

– The length is approximate.

It’s important to not make the brief either too long or too short. This should be about three or four pages. This amount of space should give you enough room to address all of the things that you need to in the letter.

– The heading is important.

The heading needs to have the name of your client, Social Security number and date of birth to make sure that it doesn’t get confused with anyone else’s case.

– The following information should be present in the letter:

Make sure to get all of the necessary information from your client. Your client should have received information from the Social Security Administration about what was used to determine the case. This should have the official decision as well as medical records. You need to be specific and cite certain exhibits and page numbers.

– Work closely with your client.

You will need to get all of the information you can from your client in order to write the best council brief. Don’t be worried about giving the summary service you’re working with too much information. It is our job to work through the information and pick out the most important. Our expertise in writing these documents will aide in your case and free up some of your time to focus on what you really need to.

– You will need to wait.

It can take some time for the Appeals Council to review your case. It can take anywhere between three and twelve months in order to hear back about your brief. Prepare your client for this wait as well and keep in contact with them about the status.

Social Security Disability Appeal Briefs are key to your case. By working with a summary service, you will be sure to have the best document in order to move forward. Contact us for more information.

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