Filing for SSDI benefits means that there is a lot of paperwork involved. To the inexperienced, the amount of paperwork and information that needs to be compiled can be daunting. Out of all this, without a doubt the most crucial, and the most difficult, is your medical history.

What is a medical chronology? Simply put, a medical chronology, also known as a medical summary, is a compiled record of all applicable information related to the medical aspects of your case. This includes such things as doctor’s records, lab results, prescriptions, future prognoses, and any other written notes your healthcare providers might have kept concerning your case. This record takes all this important information and turns it into an easy-to-understand timeline. This timeline then presents a clear and organized account of all your relevant medical information.

Medical chronologies are important because they help to take what can be an otherwise confusing jumble of information and make sense out of it. A well-written medical chronology helps the Social Security Disability Examiner understand the sequence of events that led, and occurred after, your injury or disability onset. It also helps the examiner make sense of your treatments, how you are progressing, and what your future outlook may be.

In other words, a well-written medical chronology helps the examiner by giving him or her all the information required to make the right decision in your case.

If this seems daunting to you, don’t worry: it is for most people. That’s why they use professional medical summary services. Not only can a trained medical summarizer make sense out of what can be a difficult and confusing time, he or she is also able to do so quickly. Because benefits requests often require you to meet deadlines, timeliness is important when it comes to SSDI applications.

If you haven’t yet, you should consider using the services of a professional medical summary service. Because of its commitment to timeliness in compiling the most accurate and thorough history, a medical service is well worth the investment when filing for SSD benefits.

Since filing for SSDI benefits can be a difficult and daunting process, it only makes sense to have as much help on your side as possible. Because your SSD case often rests on the thoroughness and timeliness of your medical chronology, hiring the right medical summary service to complete this task is crucial to your case. If you’re looking for the right service to complete your case, please don’t hesitate to contact us today to see how we can help you.

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