So you need to file a personal injury claim. You sustained an injury and can no longer support yourself and your family, so you reach out for some relief. In doing so, you need to work with the judicial system. This process requires a lot of paperwork and preparation. A lawyer can help you navigate the sea of paperwork, or you can opt for a specialized service that puts your records and summary together for you. Or, you can save some money and put your records together yourself before you bring it to your lawyer. In North Carolina, you will need the following records:

1. Hospital Records

You are going to want to document your hospital stays, especially for your case. Save all receipts and paperwork, and make sure to get a copy of everything. We suggest finding an organizational system that helps you keep your documents in order. This system will help your lawyer understand your case with ease and will cut down on the time he or she will have to spend on organizing your papers, and when it comes to your lawyer, times really is money. Furthermore, you know which hospitals you stayed in better than your attorneys, so getting that information would be easier for you.

2. Doctors’ Notes

Save all correspondences between you and your doctors for your case as well. Any prescriptions they give you, treatments, visit notes, etc. Again, ask for copies. This can also help you cover your own butt in case anything goes wrong. Try to record conversations between you and your doctor as well as phone calls. While we would like to think that everyone is always honest and does the right thing, you need to prepare for the worst. Furthermore documentation from your doctor will help reinforce that your condition does, in fact, exist.

3. Test Results

Along those lines, it is also important to save all test results as soon as you get them. Again, you want to protect yourself, and you need this information for your case. So, keep copies of everything and stay organized.

4. Pay Stubs

We have covered the medical side of the claim. Now, we must consider the financial side of it. In order to prove that the injury is affecting your ability to work. If you don’t collect your pay stubs, you may want to start and/or ask your employer for copies. Some have you go through the system, so make sure you know how to access your stubs. This particular type of evidence can show the loss of income you suffer due to your personal injury.

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