If you file an insurance claim or file a lawsuit relating to a personal injury, you will have to be very prepared to have compelling medical evidence to support the claim or lawsuit.

Insurance adjusters and law firms require detailed medical records like records of doctor visits, hospital stays, lists of tests performed and medication lists. Furthermore, adjusters usually ask for two things: a medical report and possibly a medical examination.

Sometimes adjusters ask for a medical report because the records you provided may not fully explain your medical condition or issue. For example, there may not be sufficient evidence of whether your injury is from a pre-existing condition or an accident. Sometimes there is missing information regarding prognosis and the long-term effects of your injury.

If the adjuster has a very different opinion about your injury than what is evidenced in the records, the insurance company might require that you undergo an independent medical examination. If your injury is the result of a car accident, your own auto insurance might require this exam.

In these situations, a professional medical chronology can make a real difference. Many law firms use our services because the medical chronology often simplifies the case or claim, avoiding complications down the road. Sometimes, the medical chronology is the deciding factor for the adjuster to approve the claim.

Just remember that the large majority of personal injury claims are denied based on lack of sufficient medical evidence. Consider hiring us to provide your medical chronology report. We sort through the scattered and disorganized records and provide a comprehensive report with all the details that lawyers and claims adjusters want to see. We know what they’re looking for, so we highlight important information and provide digital indexing for ease of discovery. Because our medical chronology is in a digital format, the report can easily be shared with anyone who is working on your personal injury case.

We provide a comprehensive list of all your medical providers, as well as firm evidence of symptoms and treatments to validate the claim. We enhance the reports with supporting information like illustrations, pictures and definitions of medical terms. Whether you’re a lawyer or an individual pursuing a personal injury claim, strongly consider hiring our firm. We think you’ll be glad you did.

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