Putting together a workers compensation case can be difficult. In order to win for your client you have to be able to connect a lot of dots to make your case air-tight and show that your client deserves to win. How do you do that? While there are a lot of elements that go into a successful workers compensation case, one of the most important is a complete and thorough medical chronology. Why is a medical chronology important for a workers compensation case?

It helps to make your case stronger

A successful medical chronology takes all the variables and confusing aspects of your case and helps you and everyone else sort through them. When people get injured, a lot of things can happen at one time and make for a confusing situation. This confusion can make it difficult to know exactly what happened, and who did what during the treatment. A thorough medical chronology helps cut through the uncertainty to present a clear picture of actions and liability. In addition, a medical chronology helps you avoid possible mistakes in the future, which also helps to make your case stronger.

It helps to make your case more efficient

To create a complete medical summary, it takes a lot of time and effort. Frankly, unless you work for a firm that has dozens of paralegals to spare, it might seem like way too much at first. However, that medical chronology is going to follow you and that workers compensation case through every legal phase. In the end, it will actually help to make your case more efficient, because you won’t have to keep going back to get more information, and you won’t find yourself repeating your steps over and over again when you discover you’ve missed something.

It helps to make your case successful

Saving time, money, and effort gives you the chance to focus on the rest of your case. Furthermore, you’ll find yourself with less work to do because the information is right at your fingertips and easy to find. Also, with a complete medical chronology you can be confident that your information is accurate and thorough, and you’ve left no stone unturned. All that adds up to a much higher probability that you’ll win your case!

If you’d like to know more about medical chronologies and how they can be used to win workers compensation cases, please don’t hesitate to contact us today!

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